Inspiration & Expert Advice on What Matters Most

Posts Tagged ‘Inspiration’

New Event in Miami: The Art of Being a Woman

In Beauty, Blogging, coaching, Entrepreneurs, Family, Fashion=Moda, Giving Back=Paying It Forward, Great Articles Found Doing Research, Health, Living, Money, News, People, Quotes, Spirit, travel, Uncategorized, wellness, Work on February 19, 2018 at 15:42

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Please visit  and register now!
See you there!
Thanks for the support!


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New Date Added for 2018 Vision Board Workshop in Miami: Saturday January 13th, 2018

In Beauty, Blogging, coaching, Entrepreneurs, Family, Fashion=Moda, Giving Back=Paying It Forward, Great Articles Found Doing Research, Health, Living, Money, News, People, Quotes, Spirit, travel, Uncategorized, wellness, Work on January 9, 2018 at 18:51

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After selling out our first workshop we are back this Saturday January 13th!

If you would like to be part of this new Vision Board Workshop, please visit  and register now!
See you there!
Thanks for the support!


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Register Now: 2018 Vision Board Workshop!

In Beauty, Blogging, coaching, Entrepreneurs, Family, Fashion=Moda, Giving Back=Paying It Forward, Great Articles Found Doing Research, Health, Living, Money, News, People, Quotes, Spirit, travel, Uncategorized, wellness, Work on December 7, 2017 at 14:34

Welcome to my first workshop as a coach!
Thanks in advance for joining us and for sharing!
Sign up here:
Happy Holidays!
See you there! 

Ayer 30, Hoy 40

In Contributors, En Español, Entrepreneurs, Family, Living, People, Work on October 4, 2017 at 08:18


Por Isis Santana

De nuevo es 3 de octubre, esta vez, de 2017, día especial para mí por diferentes y muy importantes motivos: Hoy celebro el día de mi profesión, la odontología, a la que he dedicado formalmente 17 años de mi vida, de manera ininterrumpida, con muchos altibajos y sacrificios, pero ejercida con mucha pasión y mucha alegría de recibir la recompensa de un esfuerzo continuo.

Un 3 de octubre me convertí en mamá por primera vez…cuando ya tenía mi plan de vida perfecta y mentalmente organizado, proyectado a los siguientes 7 u 8 años de vida, Dios me informó que tenía una mejor idea para mí y me demostró su amor infinito regalándome uno de sus mejores ángeles como hijo. Hoy, mi primer hijo, quien estrena sentimientos que aún desconozco, cumple 16 años y recordar sus primeros años me llena el alma de una sensibilidad que no sé describir.

Hoy, 3 de octubre de 2017, es mi último día dentro de la agitada y edificante década de los “30”, una década que inició con enormes expectativas y afanes aún más grandes.

Varias cosas se conjugaron para que esta etapa que hoy termina fuera tan especial: La responsabilidad de criar nuestros dos niños de manera digna, la energía natural que emana cuando las mujeres sentimos la necesidad de ser entes productivos e independientes (pecando muchas veces de robar el tiempo de los hijos para trabajar, tanto, hasta enfermar inclusive), una energía que la da los años y que te permiten ser atrevida ante tomas de decisiones que te plantean en la cara: “o lo haces o te estancas”, o te ponen a calcular: “¿Qué es lo que puedo perder?, ¿Si no sale bien, qué hago?…al final, calculaba mis riegos y lo único que podía perder era algo de dinero o que por falta de tiempo no pudiera cumplir con tal o cual cosa…y esas dos variables siempre tienen solución…entonces, simplemente me lanzaba. Para ser honesta extraño ese motor que me empujaba a hacer más, pero nos toca avanzar.

Han sido 10 años de aprendizaje y autoconocimiento. Pensaba que al llegar a mis “40” me iba a mantener como la misma persona. Me resultaba muy gracioso que muchas mujeres a esta edad se llenaban la boca de decir que eran “otra persona”, que ya no les preocupaba tanto lo que creyeran o dijeran de ella, que habían aprendido a decir “NO”, que aceptaban su cuerpo, que ahora quieren “hacer lo que les gusta”, que son “más claras y directas”, etc. Me parecía un discurso de crisis de mediana edad…y aquí estoy repitiéndolo orgullosa.

Estos años me hicieron entender que las expectativas son realmente dañinas, que sólo traen decepción y lejanía. En un matrimonio, cuando esperas que el otro haga, diga o reaccione de una forma en particular (según lo que tú consideras que “debe ser”) y no sucede de esa forma, entonces viene una ola de reclamos necios que sencillamente van interponiendo un brazo de distancia entre los dos. Entendí que somos diferentes y hago un gran esfuerzo por dejarlo ser. Entendí que tampoco quiero sobre mi espalda el peso de altas expectativas sobre mí. Quiero sentir la libertad de ser quien realmente soy, no la que piensas que soy, ni la que quieres que yo sea…yo, soy yo…no más, no menos.

Aprendí que estamos en constante crecimiento y transformación, no solo por los años, sino también porque creces con tus hijos y sus cambios.

Aprendí que los cambios son constantes y muchas veces ocurren de manera inesperada, y que nos toca estar dispuestas a adaptarnos a lo que la vida nos presente. Hoy quisiera dedicar mi tiempo a otro arte, la fotografía y ya no tanto a la odontología. Llevo AÑOS tratando de identificar qué es eso nuevo a lo que me quiero dedicar y por considerar las opiniones de otros antes que las mías, no había hecho el cambio definitivamente. He probado a educarme en varias de mis pasiones, este es el momento de  la fotografía y el que más ha llenado el espacio que buscaba ser satisfecho. Cuando miro atrás, al último año y medio, siento en el corazón que el universo ha conspirado para que me dedique a ella y lo disfrute ahora que puedo ir soltando el acelerador.

Sin dudas mis grandes aciertos van enfocados a la maternidad, aunque con el tiempo he llegado a identificar errores que he cometido en la crianza de mis hijos, definitivamente no pesan nada cuando comparas eso con el tipo de persona, estudiantes, hijos, amigos, que han resultado ser.

Dentro de mí los cambios son muy marcados. Ya no me siento en la capacidad de hacer o decir cosas porque otro así lo espera. No me siento cómoda cuando me sobrevaloran porque eso significa que debo mantener un nivel ante tus ojos y expectativas. Prefiero que quien me vaya a querer me quiera tal cual soy. Me siento mucho más cómoda siendo más directa y andando con menos rodeo con la gente, aunque sigo manteniendo la idea de que para ser directo no hay que irrespetar, levantar la voz o atropellar al otro.

Deseo, al inicio de esta nueva década, que simplemente pueda enamorarme de la nueva YO. Que siga educando mis sentidos para apreciar los pequeños detalles y regalos de la vida. Que pueda nivelar de manera justa para mi bebé de 2 años, las exigencias impuestas a sus hermanos y disfrutar las diferentes etapas de cada uno en su máxima expresión. Deseo verdaderamente emprender en el mundo de mi pasión, la fotografía y hacerlo con el entusiasmo que le tengo en este momento por muchos, muchos años.

Agradezco a los “30” el haber experimentado dentro de esa sola década la transformación de una mente agitada, complaciente, exigente a una más calmada, más detallista, más libre de prejuicios y limitaciones, más prudente, más agradecida, que busca hacer las paces consigo misma y sobre todo que se muestra tal cual es.

Feliz por lo aprendido, lo vivido, lo llorado, lo reído, por los logros, por lo que no se logró, por mi hijos, por mi esposo, mi matrimonio que ha superado incalculables pruebas, por los cambios ocurridos y por los que vendrán.

Mañana, Día 4, abro mi corazón a que renazca de nuevo y y se disponga a vivir en alegría todo lo que le traiga el tren de la vida!

Con cariño,



Crédito Foto Isis: Otto Winter


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Crossing The Bridge: Meet Vanesa Paredes

In Family, Living, News, People, Work on December 12, 2016 at 14:00


Vanesa Paredes, 34, is an Argentine film director and producer, born in Buenos Aires, a city she describes as full of art and movement. Her mother, a housewife with a taste for theater, drawing and music, was the one who influenced her and her siblings (dancers, actors and musicians) in the art world.
Vanesa always wanted to tell stories, since a young age, she drew on every blank paper she could find, invented and wrote stories, drew cartoons. With the help of her art teacher, in high school, she found the perfect profession: Filmmaking. She started her studies at the prestigious University of Buenos Aires. Before graduating, she started working as a cameraman and video editor, first at a record company in the visual area, later, as an editor at an important company located in Buenos Aires.
Living in Buenos Aires, she was friends with children of Asian families and from other countries of Latin America. She always had a special interest in the experiences of travelers and an empathy towards immigrants.  She wondered how it felt to live between two worlds. What was it about living away from your culture and your language? How did it feel to share and learn new customs and ways of life? She felt in them the pain of uprooting and the feeling of being between two cultures, without feeling 100% part of any of them. She graduated as an audiovisual designer with a thesis on this subject and in 2012, she did a lively short on this topic.
Vanesa’s life was good. At 29, she got engaged to her boyfriend of three years, a good man who loved her enormously. However, deep inside, she knew she was not ready to take that important step.
“I was always a curious person with an adventurous spirit. I felt that something had been relegated in my life. I felt the need to travel, to see the world, to explore, to hear stories, to be by myself. My family is very traditional, I was about 30 years old, and everyone thought that it was the ideal time to get married and have children. I had found a wonderful man, why shouldn’t I want to marry him? I tried to keep myself strong on my decision to get married, because it was supposed to be the right one. I was lying to myself and he felt my doubts, he knew me enough to see that I wasn’t sure about it, so he asked me what I really wanted, and in that moment, I realized that I wanted to follow my dreams of traveling and exploring the world. We cried and hugged, we said goodbye and I made the conscious decision of changing my life. It wasn’t easy, I loved him, but it wasn’t my time to be a wife and mother; and for him that was a priority.
After a few months, I got a working holiday visa in New Zealand and my adventure started. I was so excited and happy! I wanted to learn English; I wanted to see the world. I couldn’t believe that my life had changed so much in such a short time. I have been in 12 countries in the last three years. I have seen wonderful things, I have met many people and I had the opportunity to work on what I love. At the moment, I am 34, and all these experiences have made me stronger and more independent. My life is a continuous adventure. I do not regret my decision. When you listen to your heart, there is no way things can go wrong. My ex-fiancé got married and became the father of a beautiful daughter. He is happy with his new family, I am happy for him and he is happy for me. We both fulfilled our dreams and we are still friends.”
After 2.5 years doing all kinds of work, but always, looking for the opportunity to do what she loved, she found the opportunity to keep working as a filmmaker in New Zealand. She has participated in different audiovisual projects and was presented with the possibility of participating in “Crossing The Bridge”a creative collective founded by Mauritian Anthropologist Sophie-Claire Violette supported by Creative Editor Lucy Holland from New Zealand and now, also supported by Vanesa as a filmmaker. They create visual and experiential projects with a strong anthropological focus. Their first eponymous project “Crossing The Bridge; Exploring Identity and Belonging in Ashburton’s Migrant Community” told the stories of twenty one migrants and their experiences integrating into the rural town of Ashburton | New Zealand. This project is extremely close to Vanesa’s heart as she can feel in her own flesh what her immigrant friends felt living in Argentina.
“With perseverance and following our hearts and true dreams, we can fulfill everything. Our work in “Crossing The Bridge” is the best example.” For more about Vanesa Paredes and Crossing The Bridge please visit:


Our 2014 Year in Blogging

In Contributors, News on December 31, 2014 at 01:24

Dear readers,

Today is the last day of the year. An unforgettable one.

From my heart to yours, thank you for reading, liking, following, and sharing this blog.  Your support inspires me!

I wish you an amazing 2015, filled with pure joy!

Check this out:

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Please take a look below and let me know your thoughts!

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 3,300 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 55 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Who loves you?


P.S.: Would you like to give the gift of inspiration to your family and friends in their 30s? Sign them up to receive our posts in their inbox! Just invite them to visit, where they can enter their email address on our home page. Thank You So Much!


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“I don’t mind that 30 isn’t what I imagined it would be because I love where life has taken me”

In Contributors, Family, Living, Money, People, Work on July 4, 2014 at 09:25

Susie Dantzig

By Susie Dantzig

 As a child, 30 was old.  Even when I got to college, I thought my 22-year-old RA was old, so 30 was ancient.  A 30 year old was a grown-up, someone with a nice paying job, a house, kids, and a person who others called “sir” or “ma’am.” Now that I am 30, I don’t feel the need to adhere to any pre-conceived notion of what I thought 30 should be. We’ll start with relationships first. I have been in a loving, committed relationship for almost five years. We live together, work together, play together, and have committed ourselves to each other in every way, but we feel absolutely no need to get married, let alone have kids, any time soon. We enjoy having the time and finances to go out to eat where we want, travel, train for races, play in the local orchestra, live in the city. The kids will come, but not for another five years or so, and we’ll enjoy each other in the meantime. I mentioned finances, so we’ll approach that and career status next. I went to a top ranked university and at times I feel like I haven’t been as successful professionally or financially as my colleagues. But I like to remind myself that while those goals are worthy to strive for, I have accomplished so much outside of the office. I’ve run three marathons, I’ve travelled the world, I am in the community orchestra, I have a master’s degree, and I am writing a book teaching children the violin. It might be a while before I rise above middle management at the office, but I love my job and I make a salary that affords me to take care of myself and enjoy the activities I’ve mentioned. I don’t mind that 30 isn’t what I imagined it would be because I love where life has taken me.  Who knows where I’ll be at 40, but if I’m as happy then as I am today then life will be good.

About Susie:

Author of “Val the Violin: A Violin Instruction Book for Players in Pre-School & Up”. Growing up in the D.C. area, Susie Dantzig earned a B.A. in Music and Biology from the University of Virginia and furthered her music education with a Master’s in Music Business from the University of Miami. She currently resides in D.C., working for a performing rights organization. 


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